U.S. Dollar Payments and Rates

The payment form is at the bottom of the page. (For cryptocurrency payments, visit the Crypto Payments and Rates page.)

Session Duration

Every aspect of the tutoring is individualized, including the session duration. Specifically, each session is at least 60 minutes, and any scheduled appointment can be extended by up to 30 minutes at no extra charge. For this reason, payment rates are per session, not per hour.

It’s important to me that the student accomplishes a meaningful learning objective during every session. Sometimes, that takes longer than 60 minutes! If the 60 minutes are up and …

  • we’re in the middle of a long problem,
  • the student has more questions about an important concept, or
  • a crucial topic still needs to be covered before tomorrow’s quiz,

then we can keep working without disrupting the learning process.


  • Service
  • Lower-level Tutoring
  • Upper-level Tutoring
  • Grad-level, Custom Course, or Standardized Test Prep Tutoring
  • Rate
  • $80 per session
  • $100 per session
  • $125 per session

Service Descriptions:

  • Lower-level refers to high-school courses at any level, or college courses at the freshman or sophomore level. This level includes multivariable calculus, sophomore-level differential equations, and sophomore-level linear algebra.
  • Upper-level refers to college courses at the junior or senior level. This level includes most proof-based courses.
  • Grad-level refers to graduate courses, typically taken by students in a master’s or doctoral program.
  • Custom Course refers to custom courses that I design. These courses are for students not already enrolled in traditional courses.
  • Standardized Test Prep refers to help with preparations for exams such as the SAT® exam and the GRE® exam.

Please contact me if you’re unsure about which rates apply to you. Thanks! — Greg

How to Make a Payment

  1. In order to make a payment, it is not necessary to have a PayPal account.
  2. Before making a payment, please request at least one session through the scheduling page and wait to receive written confirmation of your appointment.
  3. Payment is expected after each session and before any subsequent sessions.

Payment Form

By submitting a payment, you are indicating your acceptance of the Higher Math Help Terms.

Subject Level and Quantity
Subject of Tutoring